The primary sensor on the PiP IoT PeopleSense.™ is an infrared proximity detector. This document outlines installation instructions and considerations which installers should make when installing a PeopleSense.™ device to ensure optimal device performance.
Installation and Activation
Orientation and Mounting
The PeopleSense.™ should be mounted 'eyes left' with the sensors vertical to the direction of motion.
The object to be counted must pass through the PeopleSense.™ infrared proximity beam. In order to optimise detection of foot traffic, aim the device to approximate a torso. Avoid orientating the device at leg level, as the device will potentially count multiple events as both legs pass in front of the sensor.
Ideal positioning for counting is on corridors of up to 2m wide, the closer to a doorway or natural funnel point the better, below is an example of an ideal situation:
Things to avoid:
- Ensure PeopleSense.™ is mounted on a stationary surface. Vibrating or moving surfaces may cause unexpected counting behaviour.
- Moving backgrounds may cause PeopleSense.™ device to overcount. Some examples of a moving background are:
- Trees and bushes moving in the wind.
- Doors that open and close in front of the device.
- Avoid aiming PeopleSense.™ directly towards the sun, or a strong sun reflection as this may cause overcount.
- Avoid aiming PeopleSense.™ directly at highly reflective surfaces such as glass or tiles. The reflection of infrared light may cause overcount.
- Avoid mounting PeopleSense.™ close to other infrared-based sensors as this may cause interference between sensors.
Temporary Installation for Testing
It is recommended that for testing deployment before final install that they are attached using a single Command non-permanent mounting strip across the back of the device, as in below image.
Permanent Installation for Deployment
- The devices are supplied with 3M tape on the rear by default, protected by a red label.
- It is recommended to prepare the surface for installation by wiping it down with an isopropyl alcohol wipe or spray, then leave it for 30 seconds to allow the surface to dry.
- To install the device, remove the covering on the tape and press against the wall surface for 20 seconds.
- The 3M tape supplied on these devices are intended for permanant installations, removal of this may require use of a vibratory tool and may cause damage to painted walls when removing.
Holding a magnet to the device (in the position indicated below) for 3 seconds will activate the device, send an immediate message and clear the internal counting buffer.
NOTE: If the devices are relocated you will need re-activate them with the above process to calibrate the device to the new location and reset the internal counting buffer.
If the device is reporting erroneously, it is recommended to wipe down the two eyes on the device with a wet microfibre cloth.