This guide outlines how to create a report based on geofence location. This can be useful when you require information about trackers which have had interactions with a geographical point of interest, such a house, work site, or any place of interest.
Setup Geofence(s)
- To start, these reports require the setup of geofence about your point of interest. If you have used external geofence creation software, you can import the geofence data point file if the type is supported. See the steps below for how this is done, otherwise continue to step 2:
- Click the two arrows button on the bottom right of the left side bar menu:
- This will present you with the option to export or import geofences, click import to then show the support file types:
- Click the two arrows button on the bottom right of the left side bar menu:
- Otherwise, you can draw the geofence from scratch following the steps below:
- Once logged into the platform, head to the geofence section:
- Move the map the place of interest where you would like to draw a geofence around:
- This can be done by clicking on the map and dragging the mouse, or using the search bar in the top right corner:
- This can be done by clicking on the map and dragging the mouse, or using the search bar in the top right corner:
- Then, click on the plus icon on the bottom right of the left side menu:
- From here, you will be presented with a popup menu that shows three options on the types of geofences that can be created:
- With your preferred drawing method selected, click on the map to start drawing the geofence around your place of interest:
- Once the geofence looks appropriate to how you want it drawn, complete the geofence. Each type has a different method.
- To complete the polygon geofence, click on the first point created.
- To complete a circle geofence, click anywhere on the map.
- The line geofence has options to adjust the radius and add smart routing along roads between two points. Adjust these as required. To complete, double click on the map.
- Once the geofence is complete, a menu will popup presenting options to add details to the geofence. If the geofence was not to your liking, you can click the 'x' on the top right:
- There is also an option to add a speed limit to the geofence. This can send speeding alerts when a tracker is going above the threshold set here, which can be used in conjunction with an automation to receive speeding emails:
- The geofence can also be added to a collection of geofences if there are multiple places of interest you would like to group:
- Once satisfied with the geofence, click create. The geofence will show on the screen the details you have provided:
- Once logged into the platform, head to the geofence section:
Creating a report
The next is to setup the report to pull information about trackers which have interacted with this geofence.
- Firstly, head to the reports section of the platform:
- Then search geofence in the top right search bar to see the reports can be created:
- From here we can see five reports related to geofences. To generate a report, click on the name, then adjust the parameters about the data required:
- In this example, we will adjust the parameters of the "Visits (Permanence)" report. This give information about the specified trackers within a specified time and geofence:
- To generate the report, select the vehicle, time and/or date, and the geofence or collection of geofences. Once all the required information has been chosen, the "GENERATE REPORT" button will become blue. Click that to begin generating, once complete the report will show up:
- Example report being generated.
- This is an example of the finished report summary:
- Within this menu, the report data can be manipulated to show the data you looking for in the way you want it. This means it be sorted and filtered by adjusting the various settings.
- There is also the details and overview tabs, which show further information about the report data:
- Finally, the report can be downloaded in various formats using the download button on the bottom right hand corner:
If you have questions, please send them to:, or give us a call!